Telangana is witnessing a massive number of the Novel Coronavirus or COVID- 19 cases. While high number of testing, second wave of COVID-19 are major reasons for the increasing cases, the wastage eliminated by COVID-19 patients under home isolation is also one reason.

In Telangana, there is a lack of COVID-19 wastage collection system, due to which patients are dumping their waste in open.

Unintentionally, others who touch them contract the virus. Some of the waste items include PPE kit, masks, gloves, sanitized bottles, plates, tissues and others. Sanitation workers who separate plastic from garbage by touching them are exposed to the virus. In addition, people coming in contact with them are also likely to get the virus.

Previously, the State Health Department, medical staff and Sanitization workers were responsible for the wastage and took extra caution. However, now nothing like that is happening, which indicates, the victim should not leave the house but they are getting the PPE kits and other essentials.

Victims’ consumer goods, leftover food and other waste are being dumped at the end of the street wrapped in covers and sanitation workers are unaware that they can be infected with the virus.

Although a large number of deaths are reported along with positive cases, there is no change in the attitude of the citizens. Without masks, physical distance does not follow. In the name of feasts and entertainment, people are getting infected with the virus.

As of now the State has 39,154 active cases, of which 3,487 are being treated in government hospitals and 10,214 in private hospitals.

More than half of total active cases, which is 25,453 people are under home isolation. Most of them are in Hyderabad, Rangareddy and Medchal districts, which also reports the highest number of COVID-19 cases.

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