On the 14th of July, approximately 700 Outsourced employees of Gandhi General Hospital including sanitation workers, security guards, and those in patient care boycotted their duties.

The decision to go on a strike came after the Telangana’s Government Doctors Association has threatened to go on strike.

The Telangana’s Government Doctors Association are demanding for implementation of UGC revised pay scales of 2016.

In regard to this, junior doctors and medical staff called for a one day strike and protested outside the Gandhi Hopsital.

 Meanwhile, about 220 outsourced nurses of the hospital who are already on strike since the 11th of July, seeking regularisation of their jobs. 

Both the groups want their employment to be regularised, their salaries to be hiked to Rs 25,000 per month as against the present Rs 8,000 to Rs 10,000 per month.

If the Telangana Government does not assure to fulfil their demands, the doctors working at the Gandhi hospital would wear black badges for a week to mark their protest. The silent protest would begin from the 15th of July. 

In regard to the situation, the State Government is likely to conduct a general body meeting with the TGDA on the 14th of July.

This is second such protest conducted amid the outbreak of the Novel Coronavirus in the past 2 months.

Recently, a section of junior doctors at the Gandhi Hospital conducted a protest demanding security of front lines medical staff, after a violence attack on doctors.

The protest is still underway outside the COVID-19 centre, the Telangana Government run Gandhi Hospital.



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