Considering the ongoing Wuhan virus, also known as COVID-19, pandemic, the Tamil Nadu Government announced it would conduct semester exams online.

On the 21st of January, Friday, Mr. K. Ponmudi, the Education Minister of Tamil Nadu, directed all the colleges to conduct online exams, scheduled between the 1st of February to the 20th of February.

According to the M.K. Stalin led Tamil Nadu Government, all students in these semesters in government arts and science colleges, private colleges affiliated to all universities, engineering and polytechnic institutions would be taking online exams.  They would give exams simultaneously on the dates announced.  In addition, the final year semester exams would be held offline in between June to July.  However, the final announcement regarding the offline examination would be taken, considering the COVID-19 situation, then. 

Notably, the State Education Minister directed all the senior officials and colleges directors to ensure every Institute is following the guidelines.

The Tamil Nadu Government also allowed students of rural regions to speed post answer sheets.  Notably, rural students, without internet, expressed difficulties in sending their answer sheets.  To ensure that they are able to send in their answer papers physically, the State Education Department has decided to give them sufficient time to send in, by post, their work. 

The exception has been given only to rural students, whereas other students would have to upload their answer sheets and they could send in the answer papers of the all exams together.

Meanwhile, Tamil Nadu reported 28,561 new Wuhan virus cases, taking the active case tally to 1,79,205 active cases.  To control the spread of the virus, the Tamil Nadu Government announced a complete  lockdown on Sunday, the 23rd of January.  However, taxis, autos and cars traveling to railway stations, airportd and medical emergencies are exempted. 

Stay tuned for further updates. 

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