Mr. M.K. Stalin, the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu (TN) is undergoing treatment for the Wuhan virus, also known as the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) related issues.

On the 14th of July, Thursday, Mr. M.K. Stalin has been shifted to Kauvery Hospital in Chennai, for investigations and observation, under a team of doctors.

In regard to this, the Kauvery Hospital authority released a media bulletin and updated about the health conditions of Mr. M.K. Stalin, which is stable.  

Notably, Mr. M.K. Stalin tested positive for the Wuhan virus, also known as the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19.)  on the 12th of July, Tuesday.

The Tamil Nadu CM took to Twitter and confirmed being positive for the COVID-19 infection.  

The tweet read, “Today, I experienced mild fatigue. When tested, the result was positive for COVID-19. I have hence isolated myself”.  He further added, “Let’s all wear masks, get vaccinated and stay safe.”

Initially, Mr. M.K. Stalin was stable and under home isolation but later was shifted to the hospital.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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