After the recent claims of the Central Government that none of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) death was due to the lack of oxygen, six states supported the claims of the Central Government.

During the recent second wave of the Wuhan virus, in April-June, close to 2 lakh people died, taking the total tally to 4 lakhs. Of the total COVID-19 deaths, many deaths were reported due to the lack of oxygen supply.  Several media houses, governments and officials highlighted the deaths due to the less oxygen supply.

However, recently, the Government of India (GoI) during the Parliament session, submitted a report and said, no deaths were due to the lack of oxygen.

Two days after, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and Gujarat said, there were no deaths due to oxygen too.

The health ministers and medical department officials of the respective states also released  statements regarding the same.

Madhya Pradesh:

The Madhya Pradesh Minister for Medical Education Vishvas Kailash Sarang said, “The truth is that deaths have not happened due to oxygen shortage…during corona time, we procured 600 metric tonne (of oxygen) per day while our maximum consumption was 457 metric tonne.”  He further added, “The record speaks (for itself) and I want to thank the Centre for providing the facilities regarding oxygen procurement, including (pressing) military flights and trains.”


Vijay Rupani, the Chief Minister of Gujarat, said, “No COVID-19 patient died due to shortage of oxygen in our state. Nearly 8.5 lakh COVID-19 patients have been treated in Gujarat so far. We have several dedicated COVID-19 hospitals because of which lakhs of people have recovered and been discharged. No patient died due to lack of oxygen at any hospital in the State.”


Mangal Pandey, the Health Minister of Bihar also said, “We received the Centre’s support and oxygen allocation was increased.”  He further said, “We facilitated oxygen in all hospitals.”


Rajesh Tope, the Health Minister of Maharashtra, said, “We filed an affidavit to this effect in the court also.  We had diverted 100 per cent oxygen meant for industrial use for medical purposes.”

Tamil Nadu:

M.  Subramaniam said, the Government worked hard to prevent deaths due to the oxygen shortage.  He said, “When we faced lack of oxygen, we came in touch with the Centre at once and procured oxygen from them.  So we didn’t face big effects here.”


T.S. Singh Deo, the Health Minister of the State, said, “It is true that no patient died due to the lack of oxygen in Chhattisgarh.  Our state is an oxygen-surplus state.  There could have been some issues regarding management, otherwise, there is no death due to lack of oxygen.”

It is to be noted, of all the six states, which supported the Government, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Bihar are the Bhartiya Janata Party ruled Government.  Whereas, the other three are different party rule governments.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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