The fear of the possible third wave of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) and reluctant attitude of citizens towards vaccination drives should be a wake up call for the Central Government. Since the launch of the COVID-19 vaccination drive on the 16th of January, only 22 % of the people have received vaccines against the deadly virus, of which only 5.30 % are fully vaccinated after taking both the doses. Speaking about the huge rate of the population without vaccination, while many of them are unaware of the vaccination drives and easy organisation, others have false beliefs about their immunity and power.   

With this behavior and attitude, they are not only being harmful to themselves but are becoming carriers of the deadly virus, unknowingly affecting others. Despite extensive COVID-19 awareness campaigns and free vaccination drives, people, especially the uneducated, underprivileged and residents of rural areas in India are hesitating to get vaccinated.

At a time when new mutants and multiple variants are being reported in several regions of India, vaccination should be considered as one of the major protective shields from the virus. Looking at the statistics and ample amount of vaccines available, it is high time for the Central Government to impose strict actions, guidelines and rules to impose mandatory vaccination for the people of India.

Before the nation witnesses a third wave of COVID-19, making the situation worse with lack of beds, oxygen and medical facilities, citizens as well as the Government of India (GoI) should think and draft a way to enforce mandatory vaccination. In order to do so, the GoI could simply mandate vaccination to avail government welfare schemes.

Announcements like restrictions on government scheme benefits for non vaccinated people would boost inclination and awareness towards vaccination.

However, it would look like a cruel decision, taking advantage of underprivileged people and would gain criticism from the opposition, it still is the need of the hour.

At a time, a Government Order (GO) or an official notification to mandate vaccination to continue enjoying benefits of any welfare schemes would make the drive more successful. Moreover, the restriction on the use of welfare schemes to promote vaccination among the people could not be considered as illegal. Under the Epidemic Disease Act 1987, the Government of India and the state governments are free to take any decision to stop the spread of the virus, which has been claimed as a pandemic.

It is to be noted, there are various Central Government launched schemes benefitting different classes of society across India. Some of the schemes are: Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana, Atal Pension Yojana, Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana, Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana, Midday Meal Scheme, Kisan Credit Card Yojana, Pradhan Mantri Ujjwal Yojana, Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojana, Integrated Child Development Services and many others.

Due to the less vaccinated people and possible third wave in August-October, there are high chances that many states would undergo lockdowns or partial lockdowns. It would be easier for offices, businesses and establishments to reopen and begin operations to improve the economic conditions of all states and union territories of India if the majority of the population get themselves vaccinated.

This time if something similar to the first wave and the second wave COVID-19 situation rises, who would be blamed? The citizens who ignored the repeated urge of the Central Government to take vaccination, or the GoI which does not impose any strict guidelines/rules to enforce mandatory vaccination.

Meanwhile, as of now, India has 4 vaccines for the Novel Coronavirus disease. Covishield, manufactured by the Serum Institute of India, COVAXIN developed by Bharat Biotech International Private Limited, Russian made Sputnik V, being manufactured under license by Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories in India and the United States made Pfizer Moderna available for import only.

These vaccines are abundantly available and there is no shortage as per the Government.

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