P.V. Sindhu, the 25 year old Indian badminton player, on the 2nd of November took to social media and announced her retirement. 

However, her retirement post held a twist in the end giving a mini heart attack to her fans and followers.

The player took to Instagram and Twitter and posted, “Denmark Open was the final straw I RETIRE.”

She further wrote, “I’ve been thinking about coming clean with my feelings for a while now. I admit I have been struggling to deal with it. It just feels so wrong, you know. That’s why I’m, writing today to tell you that I’m done. It’s understandable if you’re shocked or confused but by the time you finish reading this you would have learnt about my point of view, and hopefully, will support it too,” India’s only shuttler to have won a Silver medal at the Olympics, wrote.

“This pandemic has been an eye-opener for me. I could train hard to fight the toughest of opponents, tooth and nail, right till the final shot of the game. I have done it before, I can do it again. But how do I defeat this invisible virus that has the entire world in a fix? It has been months at home and we still question ourselves every time we step out. Internalizing all this and reading about so many heart-breaking stories online has got me to question a lot about myself and this world we live in. Not being able to represent India in the Denmark Open was the last straw.”

She said, “Today, I choose to retire from this current sense of unrest. I retire from this negativity, the constant fear, the uncertainty, I choose to retire from a complete lack of control over the known.”

She also said, “Most importantly, I choose to retire from substandard hygiene standards and our lackadaisical attitude towards the virus. We must not digress; we need to be better prepared. We must defeat this virus together. The choices we make today will define our future and the future of the next generation. We cannot afford to let them down.”

The retirement news of one of the excellent shuttlers of India P.V. Sindhu is shocking news for her fans and followers.

Through her lengthy post, P.V. Sindhu not only mentioned about her retirement but also acknowledged the Novel Coronavirus and the importance of being alert from it.

Through the social media post of P.V. Sindhu it was quite evident that she wants people’s attention towards the virus. She wants the citizens of India to strictly follow the guidelines of the COVID-19 and tackle the virus to win the situation for the betterment of everyone.

However, P.V. Sindhu is not retiring from badminton but the current situation.

Ms. Sindhu is currently in London and is preparing for the Asia Open of Badminton World Federation scheduled in 2021.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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