On the 20th of May, Prime Minister Narendra Modi conducted a virtual meeting regarding the Wuhan virus or Novel Coronavirus situation. The meeting was attended by district officials of 10 states, reporting the maximum number of COVID-19 (Wuhan virus) cases in India. 

Speaking at the meeting, Mr. Narendra Modi said, “Coronavirus is invisible and keeps changing variants. Hence, our approach should also be dynamic and upgraded continuously. The virus has made your work more demanding and challenging. In the midst of new challenges, we need new strategies and solutions. It becomes important to use local experiences and we need to work together as a country.”

Emphasising the need of new strategies, PM Modi said, “In these one and a half years, you have experienced that as long as this infection is present even on the minor scale, the challenge remains (sic.)” He also asked the district officials to control the wastage of vaccines against the Wuhan virus and ramp up vaccination drives, by administering doses to more and more people. Mr. Narendra Modi said, “Wastage of a single vaccine means not being able to provide the necessary protective cover to one life. Therefore, it is necessary to stop vaccine waste.”

PM Modi also raised concerns over the new mutant of the Wuhan virus, which is affecting youth and children. He said, “Due to coronavirus mutations, there have been more concerns about youngsters, kids. We will have to be more prepared.”

During the meeting, PM Modi also applauded 54 district magistrates for their Wuhan virus management work. He also highlighted the decreasing number of COVID-19 single day cases and asked officials to keep up the work.

Another major agenda of today’s meeting was to put emphasis on the ease of living. PM Modi asked district magistrates to prioritise making life easier and provide free ration and other essential supplies to the needy.

Today’s meeting was the second such interaction between the Prime Minister and the district level officials till date. The first meeting was held on the 18th of May, when he interacted with 46 district magistrates from nine states.

The decision to interact with the district officials of the Indian states was taken to learn about the ground reality of the Wuhan virus situation at the district level. It also helped the Government of India (GoI) to know the management, medical facilities provided at a smaller level, in villages and districts.

The officials of Uttar Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Puducherry, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Jharkhand, Odisha, Kerala and Haryana were amongst those who participated in today’s meeting. Interestingly, Mamata Banerjee, the Chief Minister of West Bengal, who has always been away from PM Modi conducted meetings, attended today’s meeting.

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