Concerned over the possible third wave and the ongoing second wave of the Wuhan virus, also known as COVID-19, the Central Government issued strict warning for tourists.

Some travelers popularly known as ‘Covidiots’ on social media are traveling to hill stations like Darjeeling, Manali and other places in India. A picture of a crowd of more than 200 people at a waterfall in Manali, went viral on social media platforms.  While the nation is fighting the second wave and trying to bring back normalcy in regular life, many are showing careless attitude and traveling without any precaution, violating all COVID-19 protocols, without social distancing of course, without a face mask. 

Concerned about the situation, on the 13th of July, Prime Minister Narendra Modi held a meeting with Chief Ministers of 8 North Indian states, including Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Delhi and Punjab.  During the meeting Mr. Narendra Modi said, “It is true that tourism, business and business have been greatly affected due to coronavirus, but today I will say very emphatically that it is not okay to have huge crowds in hill stations, markets too without wearing masks.”

Mr. Narendra Modi said, if this situation continues, the third wave would hit the nation as we would invite it.  He said, ” This is not the time to enjoy it.”  

The official Twitter handle of Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) also posted the statement of PM Modi in Hindi.  The tweet read, “ये सही है कि कोरोना की वजह से टूरिज्म, व्यापार-कारोबार बहुत प्रभावित हुआ है।

लेकिन आज मैं बहुत जोर देकर कहूंगा कि हिल स्टेशंस में, मार्केट्स में बिना मास्क पहने, भारी भीड़ उमड़ना ठीक नहीं है: PM @narendramodi.”

Recently, the Indian Medical Association also released a statement and warned of the possible third wave, which could be more intensified and worse than the first and the second wave of the Wuhan virus.  The release read, “With the global evidence available and the history of any pandemics, the third wave is inevitable and imminent.  However, it is painful to note that in many parts of the country, both the Government and public are complacent and engaged in mass gatherings without following COVID-19 protocols.”  It further added, “Tourist bonanza, pilgrimage travel, religious fervour all are needed, but can wait for few more months. Opening up these rituals and enabling people without vaccination to go scot-free in these mass gatherings are potential super spreaders for the COVID-19 third wave.”

Regarding the same matter, #IndiaFightsCorona official Twitter handle also tried to create awareness to put a stop on tourists who are backpacking to travel to hill stations. 

The tweet read, ““#Manali can wait, But Virus won’t. Ensure that you maintain 2 gaj doori in order to keep yourself & others around you safe. Be responsible, stay protected!”

Meanwhile, the Himachal Pradesh Government warned people of following COVID-19 guidelines properly, or else, they would impose strict lockdown again.  Adding to this, the State Government also decided to impose hefty fines and 8  days jail on tourists who would violate guidelines of the Wuhan virus. 

It is to be noted, after reporting a decline in the Novel Coronavirus cases, after the recent travel stories of people, India reported a slight rise in the cases, especially in Kerala (14,539) and Maharashtra (7, 243.) 

From below 30,000 single day cases, India in the past 24 hours reported 38,792 new COVID -19 cases, taking the total active cases to 4,29,946 till date. 

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