The Union Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA,) issued warnings for the third wave of the deadly Wuhan virus, also known as the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19.)

According to the MHA, the possible third wave is expected in October and would be dangerous for children and youngsters in India.  In addition, besides the cases of the Wuhan virus, the new variant of the Wuhan virus, the Delta Plus variant, is also expected to rise during the third wave in October.  During this time, cases might hit their peak and rise, risking lives of people.

The alert was based on the study of the National Institute of Disaster Management (NDIM) under the Union MHA.  In regard to this, a detailed report has been submitted to the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO.)  As per the submitted report,  there was a recommended critical need for precautionary measures and enhanced medical facilities.  In the report, the formed Union MHA committee also suggested an increase in the number of doctors, medical staff, medical equipment, ventilators and ambulances.

In addition, the directors of All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) across the country have asked people to continue following COVID-19 appropriate behaviour to avoid any possible spike in the daily caseload.

Meanwhile, India saw a single day rise of 25,072 new COVID-19 cases and 389 daily fatalities in the past 24 hours.  With this, the tally of COVID-19 cases in India is now 3,24,49,306.  Of the total cases, 3,33,924 are active cases and 4,34,756 are deceased cases with 96.73 % recovery rate from COVID-19 infection. 

Also, the Indian Medical Health Department administered 58.25 crore COVID-19 vaccine doses under the nationwide COVID-19 vaccination drive across India, till date. 

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