The Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) on the 10th of February, cleared the supply of the Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19 vaccination doses. 

According to sources, India cleared 24 million doses of two India made COVID-19 vaccines to 25 countries.

All the supply would be on a commercial basis and would be exported in February.

The MEA is responsible for the export of the two made in India vaccines to foreign countries.

Till date, India supplied 16.7 million doses of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine manufactured by the Serum Institute of India (SII) to 20 countries.

Of the total, This included nearly 6.3 million free doses to 13 countries including Bangladesh, Myanmar, Bhutan, Nepal, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Bahrain and Oman, Barbados and Dominica.

Of the remaining, close to 10 million more doses were supplied on a commercial basis to 7 countries including Brazil, Morocco and South Africa.

In February, the MEA would oversee the SII manufactured Covisheild to Saudi Arabia, Brazil, Morocco, Myanmar, Nepal, Nicaragua, Mauritius, Philippines, Serbia, UAE, Qatar.

Besides 25 countries, Canada also requested for 1 million COVID-19 vaccine doses, but clearance for the same is pending.

This list of 25 countries does not include Canada that recently requested for 1 million doses of the vaccine.

All the doses of the COVID-19 vaccines would be sent in the coming week.

Stay tuned for further updates.