Kishan Reddy, the Union Minister for State Home Affairs, on the 1st of August, visited Telangana Institute of Medical Sciences (TIMS) in Gachibowli.

During the visit Mr. Reddy expressed his disappointment regarding the facilities given to the Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19 patients at TIMS. 

Mr. Kishan Reddy asked the Telangana Government to increase the pace in tracing, testing and treating.  As of now, Telangana is testing approximately 20,000 samples in a day. 

Mr. Reddy said, after inspection asked the staff to be inspired of other hospitals in India and upgrade their facilities.

Mr. Reddy said, “The Telangana Government should inspire from Delhi in containing the virus and provide incentives along with salaries to the healthcare staff.”

He further asked the citizens of Telangana to use the services of the State run hospitals and designated centres for the treatment of the Novel Coronavirus. 

Speaking about the 80 % of patients under home isolation, Kishan Reddy asked the Government to recognize the patients in home isolation and provide proper treatment to them and instil confidence among the public on the treatment in private hospitals.  

In Telangana 11,359 persons are under home isolation while 6,395 positive cases are in institutional care.

Telangana has been witnessing a steady rise in the coronavirus cases in the past few days.

On the 1st of August, the State witnessed a biggest spike of 2,083 cases of the COVID-19 infection. 

Till date, Telangana has 64,786 positive cases, of which 17,754 are active cases and 46,502 are recovered cases and 530 deceased. 

Stay tuned for further updates. 


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