In Kerala, of the total Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) infected people, approximately 40,000 people are breakthrough cases. Breakthrough cases of the Wuhan virus means, ones who received their vaccine doses against the Wuhan virus are also infected with the virus.

The report was based on the data provided by the Central Government. According to thr Central Government data, during the second wave of the Wuhan virus, nearly 40,000 breakthrough cases were reported. Of the total cases, 50 % are from Pathanamthitta. In this district, 14,979 people who received a single dose of the COVID-19 vaccine are now infected with the virus and nearly 5,042 people who received both the doses are infected.

In total, nearly 20,000 people of this district are currently breakthrough cases of COVID-19. The aforementioned data was confirmed by the Union Home Ministry on the evening of the 11th of August.

The rising number of the breakthrough cases, especially in one district of a state is alarming and a matter of concern. In regard to this, the Central Government and the Union Health Department asked the Kerala Government to provide samples of the breakthrough cases.

After the detailed study of the sample, the Union Ministry would come to a conclusion behind the massive surge in the breakthrough cases. However, the rising cases are said to be due to the new Delta variant of the Wuhan virus, which is more dangerous than the original mutation of the deadly Wuhan virus.

However, the Kerala Government denied the numbers and said, they have no data regarding 40,000 breakthrough cases. An Health Department official, who wished to be anonymous said, “We have no idea about 40,000 cases as mentioned by the Union Health Ministry. Our estimate is less than 0.1% that means around 5,000-5,500 breakthrough cases.”

In India, there are a total of 1,00,000 breakthrough cases of COVID-19. In addition, as per the Central Government data, of the total, 40,000 of these cases are from Kerala alone.

Meanwhile, with 21,119 cases and 152 deaths single day COVID-19 cases, Kerala has a total of 1,75,958 active cases till date.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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