On the 19th of February, the Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19 cases stood at 1,09,63,394 cases. 

In the past 24 hours, the Union Health Ministry confirmed 13,193 new COVID-19 cases and 97 deaths.

The updated data is available on the official website of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW.)

Though total cases crossed 10.96 million cases, the recovery rate is near to 97 % with 1,06,67,741 recovered COVID-19 cases.

In addition, there are only 1,39,542 active cases of the Novel Coronavirus which is below 3 % active case load.

On the other hand, the death cases reached 1,56,111 with the loss of 97 more lives. 

In addition, the Union Health Ministry confirmed vaccination to 98,46,523 people through 2,10,809 sessions till date.

The Health Ministry of India said, “This (total 98,46,523) includes 62,34,635 health care workers who have taken the 1st dose and 4,64,932 health care workers who have taken the second dose, along with 31,46, frontline workers who were administered the first dose.”

The Ministry added a total of 40 persons have been hospitalized and 32 people have died after receiving the India made COVID-19 vaccination in the country.

The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) confirmed 20,94,74,862 samples being tested for COVID-19 including 7,71,071 samples which tested on the 18th of February.

The Ministry said, “Of the 40 cases of hospitalization, 24 were discharged after treatment, while thirteen persons died and three are under treatment. In the last 24 hours, two persons have been hospitalized. Of the 32, thirteen persons died in the hospital while 19 deaths are recorded outside the hospital. In the last 24 hours, three new deaths have been reported. No case of serious death is attributable to vaccination, to date.”

The Nationwide COVID-19 vaccination drive started from the 16th of January and would continue until every citizen of India is vaccinated against the Novel Coronavirus.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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