On the 23rd of July, India reported a biggest spike of the Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19 to date.

In the last 24 hours, the country recorded 45,720 fresh COVID-19 cases, taking the total to 12,38,635.

With these updates, total number of active cases is now 4,26,167, recovered/discharged cases at 7,82,606 and deceased cases at 29,861.

Out of the total cases, majority of cases are from Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat and Delhi. In addition, Andhra Pradesh with approximately 5,000 to 6,000 everyday cases is reporting a massive number of COVID-19 cases.

However, the situation in India is said to be under control as the fatality rate decreased to 2.41 % from the previous 2.53 %. Meanwhile, the Health Ministry of India said the recovery rate of India is more than 50%, and now reached to 63.13%

The health ministry said that effective clinical management of Covid-19 cases has led to an improvement in recovery figures while case fatality has been falling continuously.

The Centre said that the confirmation rate or positivity rate for India is continuously reducing and currently stands at 8.07%.

Meanwhile, the Indian Council Medical Research (ICMR) approved medical Institutes and hospitals are conducting clinical trials for the COVAXIN, a potential vaccine for the disease.

If approved, the Government of India is planning to launch the vaccine on the 15th of August, the Independence Day 2020.

However, an official announcement regarding the same is yet to be made.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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