India with 52,123 cases and 775 fatalities in the last 24 hours, crossed 1.58 millions till the 30th of July.

With the new cases after massive testing, India took its tally of the Novel Coronavirus cases to 15,83,792.

The number of active cases in the Country stand at 5,28,242, while recovered/discharged patients are 10,20,582.

Meanwhile, fatalities due to the deadly disease stand at 35,016.

Amid rise in the cases, as per planned unlock phases, the Central Government announced guidelines for opening up more activities outside the containment zones from the 1st of August.

Of the total active cases, the majority of cases were from only a few states, including Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Telangana and Madhya Pradesh.

Though Maharashtra is one of the worst COVID-19 hit regions, on the 29th of July, Maharashtra reported only 700 new cases.

In the past few months, this is the first time when Maharashtra reported new cases below 1,000.

Delhi was also one of the worst COVID-19 affected regions of India. However, with rapid testing and 80% recovery rate, Delhi also controlled the COVID-19 situation and improved it for betterment.

Meanwhile, the Union Health Ministry, directed all states and union territories to increase per day testing.

According to the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) three Ts, tracing, testing and treating is the only major cure of the Novel Coronavirus.

Until any proven cure comes as a vaccine for the deadly infection, self isolation, precautions like social distancing, wearing face masks and sanitizer is helpful to avoid getting infected by the virus.

In addition , the Union Health Ministry confirmed the improving situation of COVID-19 in India and said Covid-19 case fatality rate (CFR) stands at 2.23 % from previous 2.25 %.

The CRF of India is lower than the fatality rate globally, the CRF globally is nearly 6%.

The CFR has been falling progressively due to coordinated implementation of the ‘test track treat’ strategy by the Centre, states and union territories, the ministry said. It stood at 3.3% in June.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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