On the 5th of August, India reported 52,779 new cases of the Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19.

According to the Ministry of Home and Family Welfares (MoHFW) India has 19,08,254 positive cases till date.

Of the total, there are 5,86,244 active cases, 12,82,215 are recovered/discharged cases and 39,794 deceased.

Despite everyday rise of minimum 50,000 cases, India is performing better in terms of recovery. With 51,706 recovery cases, India has 66.31% recovery and below 2.50 % fatality rate.

This is the seventh consecutive day that COVID-19 cases have increased by more than 50,000 and recovery rate increased consistently.

According to the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) a total of 2,14,84,402 samples have been tested till the 4th of August.

In the past 24 hours, India conducted a total of 6,19,652.

Five most affected states by total tally of cases are Maharashtra (4,57,956,) Tamil Nadu (268,285,) Andhra Pradesh (1,76,333,) Karnataka (1,45,830) and Delhi (1,39,156.)

Meanwhile, speaking about the candidate vaccines of India, the ICMR scientist (Prof) Balram Bhargava, said, “So at the present moment, we have three Indian vaccine candidates which are in different phases of a clinical study. Studies for Phase 1 and 2 are to determine the safety and very early efficacy.”

Meanwhile, globally the cases of the Novel Coronavirus stand at 18,706,540 with 704,385 deceased till the 4th of August.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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