In Hyderabad, the suspected case of Omicron, tested negative for the new variant of the Wuhan virus (COVID-19.)

A woman, who landed in India (Hyderabad,) from the United Kingdom (U.K.,) was tested COVID-19 positive. The sample of the woman was taken for genome sequencing test for Omicron. After two days, teri test results arrived, according to which she was negative for the dangerous new variant.

However, she tested positive for COVID-19 and is undergoing treatment at the Telangana Institute of Medical Sciences (TIMS,) Hyderabad.

Meanwhile, the test results of 12 people for Omicron, who arrived from Britain are yet to be arrived from genome sequencing.

In addition, Telangana currently has 3,787 active cases of the Novel Coronavirus, of which 80% cases are asymptomatic and 20% cases are symptomatic.

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