The fear of a new variant of the Wuhan virus (COVID-19) is rising in several countries, including India.

On the 2nd of December, the Public Health Director of Telangana Dr. G. Srinivasa Rao, confirmed Omicron suspect in Hyderabad.  According to sources, the Telangana Health Department, detected a COVID-19 positive case.  A woman, who returned from Britain, tested positive for the deadly Wuhan virus.  Upon her arrival, she underwent a RT-PCR test, which resulted COVID-19 positive.

The Telangana Health Department collected her swab samples and are going to conduct genome sequencing, a test conducted to confirm if she is Omicron effected or not. 

Meanwhile, to control the COVID-19 situation, the Telangana Health Department asked people to follow Covid-19 appropriate behavior.  

In regard to this, the Telangana Government imposed regulations on mask and vaccines in Telangana.  The  State Medical department directed police to impose a fine of Rs. 1,000 for not wearing a mask .  Mandatory  face mask for people venturing out of their residence. 

In addition, the State Government imposed strict security and thermal screening mandates at Hyderabad airport. Travelers from different countries, risky and non risky nations, need to undergo COVID-19 tests.

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