Designated as the Wuhan virus (COVID-19) treatment center, the State run Gandhi Hospital has become India’s first hospital to treat a large number of COVID-19 patients.

Designated in 2020, so far, the Gandhi hospital has treated a total of 84,127 Novel Coronavirus patients. Dr. M. Raja Rao, the Superintendent of Gandhi Hospital confirmed the facts and said, “No other hospital in the country has treated these many patients. Of those treated for COVID-19, 3,762 were children under 14 years of age. In addition, 8,178 dialysis patients from high-risk groups have also received treatment.”

Dr. M. Raja Rao further said, the hospital also achieved a recovery rate of 98% due to the provision of better treatment. He said, “Currently, only 44 Covid patients are being treated at the Gandhi Hospital.”

The Gandhi Hospital not only treated COVID-19 patients, but people suffering from post COVID-19 infection, Black Fungus. According to the Superintendent of Gandhi Hospital, a total of 1,786 Black Fungus patients receive treatment, of which 1,163 underwent surgery.

In addition, the Gandhi Hospital not only treated patients of Telangana, but from neighboring states like Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Maharashtra.

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