Emmanuel Macron, the French President tested positive for the Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19 on the 17th of December. 

The news about Mr. Macron being COVID-19 positive was confirmed by the French Presidency.

The French Presidency issued a statement regarding the same. The statement read, “The President of the Republic has been diagnosed positive for COVID-19 today.” It further added, “This diagnosis was made following a PCR test performed at the onset of the first symptoms.”

As per Mr. Macron’s office statement, Emmanuel Macron would be in self isolation for the coming 7 days.

However, he would be active and would perform his duties remotely.

A spokeswoman of the French Presidency said all the trips of Emmanuel Macron have been cancelled.

Mr. Emmanuel Macron was scheduled to visit Lebanon on the 22nd of December.

However, it is yet to be known how Mr. Macron contracted the deadly virus.

Highlighting the activities of Mr. Macron in the past week, he was at a European Council heads of state meeting on the 10th and 11th of December.

He also had a private dinner with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi. He also has had lunch this week with European leaders Charles Michel and Ursula von der Leyen as well as the Spanish and Portuguese prime ministers.

All the leaders and officials who came in contact with Emmanuel Macron in the last week, decided to self isolate themselves.

Meanwhile, Mr. Macron’s positive test comes just two days after France relaxed measures to curb a second wave of the Novel Coronavirus infection replacing a nationwide lockdown with a curfew.

As of now, France has 2,409,062 positive cases of the Novel Coronavirus infection. Of the total cases, 2,169,390 are active cases, 1,80,311 are discharged/recovered cases and 59,361 are deceased.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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