After the United States of America (U.S.A.,) and the United Kingdom (U.K.,) France also extended support to India to fight the second wave of the Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19.

On the 27th of April, the French President Emmanuel Macron expressed his solidarity and said, France would send eight oxygen generators along with ventilators and essential medical equipment to India. He took to his Facebook handle and posted in Hindi.

His post read, “हम जिस महामारी से गुज़र रहे हैं, कोई इससे अछूता नहीं है। हम जानते हैं कि भारत एक मुश्किल दौर से गुज़र रहा है। फ्रांस और भारत हमेशा एकजुट रहे हैं: हम अपनी सहायता प्रदान करने के लिए तत्परता से जुट रहे हैं। 

फ्रांस भारत को मेडिकल उपकरण, वेन्टीलेटर और ऑक्सीजन तथा 8 ऑक्सीजन जेनरेटर भेजेगा । प्रत्येक जेनरेटर परिवेशी वायु से ऑक्सीजन का उत्पादन करके एक अस्पताल को 10 साल तक आत्मनिर्भर बना सकता है । 

हमारे मंत्रालयों के विभाग कड़ी मेहनत कर रहे हैं। हमारी फ्रांसीसी कंपनियां लामबंद हो रही हैं और वे पहले से अधिक संख्या में मौजूद हैं ! 

एकजुटता हमारे राष्ट्र के केंद्र में है । यह हमारे देशों के बीच मित्रता के केंद्र में है ।

हम एक साथ मिलकर जीतेंगे।”

(No one is untouched by the pandemic we are going through. We know India is going through a difficult period. France and India have always been united. We remain united to provide our help. France will send medical equipment, ventilators and 8 oxygen generators to India. Each generator will make a hospital self sufficient for 10 years by producing oxygen from ambient air.)

The French President further added, “France will send medical equipment, ventilators and oxygen and eight oxygen generators to India. Each generator can make a hospital self-sufficient for 10 years by producing oxygen from the ambient air. The departments of our ministries are working hard. Our French companies are mobilizing and they are already in greater numbers!” He also said, “Solidarity is at the heart of our nation. It is at the centre of friendship between our countries. We will win together.”

Recently, on the 26th of April, the U.S.A. Administration led by Joe Biden removed a ban on exporting raw materials for the production of COVID-19 vaccine Covisheild in India. . In addition, the U.K., extended support and assured to send ventilators, oxygen and other equipment to fight the COVID-19 infection.

Besides the U.S.A., the United Kingdom and France, nations like China, Pakistan, Germany, Ireland and Taiwan also expressed solidarity and offered to extend support in any possible way to India.

The concerns of different nations came at a time when India is witnessing a second wave of COVID-19 with an average of 3 lakh fresh cases every day. After the U.S.A., India is the worst COVID-19 hit Nation with more than 17 million (7 crores) positive cases and 28 lakh plus active cases.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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