Ambassadors and high commissioners of around 80 foreign countries to visit COVID-19 vaccine centre at Bharat Biotech and BE limited today. The visit is organised by the Ministry of External Affairs. The one-day visit of the foreign dignitaries has been planned to familiarise them with vaccine preparation, production opportunities and the vaccine distribution plan. 

The teams arrived in Hyderabad at 10 A.M., today. The State Chief Secretary Somesh Kumar along with Chief of Protocol Nagesh Singh and other senior officials has already made arrangements for the foreign team’s visit to Hyderabad. The CS directed the authorities to provide well-equipped buses, a special medical team.

The official release read, “A presentation should also be made to showcase the state’s potential in the production and supply of the vaccine and should also include the Pharma City and Genome Valley.”

The visit came after last week, Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited the Bharat Biotech vaccine centre to review the developmental work on the coronavirus vaccine. At present, the Covaxin developed by the Bharat Biotech in collaboration with the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) is under Phase-III of clinical trials. The human trials of the vaccine are being conducted at Nizam’s Institute of Medical Sciences (ICMR.)

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