The new Delta variant of the deadly Wuhan virus, also known as the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) has now spread to 132 countries.

The World Health Organization (WHO,) on the 29th of July, confirmed over 3.8 million cases of the new variant, Delta in several regions of the world in between the 19th to the 25th of July. As per the WHO data, in 132 countries combined, approximately 5,40,000 Delta variant cases are being reported on an average, regularly.

Besides the rising cases, the number of deaths due to the COVID-19 infection also increased with over 69,000 deaths, which is A 21 % hike from usual deaths. It is to be noted, the highest number of death and new variant cases were reported from the United States of America (U.S.A.) Apart from the U.S.A., Brazil ( 3,24,334,) Indonesia (2,89,029,) United Kingdom (2,82,920) and India (2,65,836) are also on the list with high new cases.

The WHO’s COVID-19 Technical Team Leader Maria Van Kerkhove said, “In the last week, global #COVID19 cases increased by ~6.5% and deaths increased by ~20.6% Last week >69,000 people died. This is an absolute travesty because we can prevent deaths.”

The new variant of the Wuhan virus (the Novel Coronavirus) found in India is said to be dangerous for people, even after receiving doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. As per a preliminary study by the All India Institute of Medical Science (AIIMS) Delh, the new Wuhan virus variant, B1. 617.2 named as Delta, is possible to infect people even if they are fully vaccinated against the Wuhan virus.

The new mutant of COVID-19 virus has been termed as a virus of concern globally.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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