The Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine against the deadly Wuhan Virus (COVID-19) has given a lot of worries to the people, especially women.

The concerns regarding their fertility, menstrual cycle and other issues have been a major cause of less number of vaccinated women in India. Till the 29th of July, 9.68 crore people, 7.10 % of the total population, are completely vaccinated against the Wuhan virus. However, less than 2% of women are completely vaccinated against the virus.

The increasing questions and doubts regarding their health, fertility and periodic cycles are now being asked openly on internet forums, websites and other social media platforms.

Top searches like, will COVID-19 vaccine affect fertility? Should I take the vaccine If I am on my Menstrual cycle? Is COVID-19 vaccine safe for mothers, are also reported.

In response to these, the Government of India and several doctors, working 24×7 as COVID-19 warriors have cleared doubts and informed about the myths and reality.

As per the doctors, taking COVID-19 vaccine against the virus would not have any major impact on anyone, especially women. Also, taking the doses during the menstrual cycle is safe.

Experts are continuously trying to make people understand that COVID-19 vaccine does not have any severe side effects, instead, it would be a protection from the virus.

However, in rare cases, if anyone witnesses changes in their immune system, fertility issues or menstrual problem, instead of relying on social media and online sources, doctor consultation would be better.

Many medical experts and doctors cleared the air regarding the side effects of COVID-19 vaccine. The vaccines might have temporary effects like headache, body ache or other issues, it has no harsh or long term impact on individual.

Meanwhile, as of now, India has four vaccines available. Two of them are made in India vaccines and the remaining two are foreign vaccines. The two India made vaccines are the Serum Institute of India (SII) manufactured Covishield and the Bharat Biotech International Private Limited manufactured COVAXIN. Among the foreign vaccines, one is the Russian vaccine Sputnik V, manufactured by Dr. Reddy’s Laboratory, Hyderabad, and the second one is the Moderna vaccine manufactured by Pfizer (USA,) which is only on an import basis.

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