Somesh Kumar, the Chief Secretary of Telangana, on the 10th of July, conducted a review meeting regarding the Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19 situation in the State. 

Mr. Kumar conducted a meeting with several senior officials of the State Government concerned with handling the Coronavirus situation.

During the meeting, Somesh Kumar discussed the supply of oxygen to the Telangana hospitals, especially ones treating the COVID-19 positive cases.

The meeting also discussed a few complaints related to black marketing of oxygen cylinders and the conditions leading to shortage of oxygen supply in hospitals.

In regard to the situation, the Telangana Chief Secretary directed a combined team of the Drug Control Administration, the Task Force of Hyderabad City Police and the Director of Public Health and the Deputy Chief Controller of Explosives to monitor the hospitals receiving oxygen and the dealers supplying cylinders.

Mr. Kumar also ordered the sale and use of oxygen cylinders with the guidelines issued by the State Government.

If anyone violates any of the issued guidelines regarding the sale of oxygen cylinders to hospitals, the concerned authority is allowed to take strict action against the violators.

The State Chief Secretary also recommended all the State hospitals treating COVID-19 patients to use cryogenic liquid oxygen vessels/tanks to avoid any complications due to the use of cylinders.

Meanwhile, Telangana recorded a total of 32,224 cases of the Novel Coronavirus, of which 12,680 are active cases, 19,205 are recovered/discharged cases and 339 are deceased.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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