After 29,000 plus new cases on the 15th of July, India recorded another single day spike over 30,000 cases.

On the 16th of July, India recorded 32,695 cases of the Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19 in 24 hours.

It is the 8th consecutive day, when India witnessed 25,000 plus fresh cases.

The fresh COVID-19 cases were confirmed and updated on the official website of the Union Ministry of Health And Family Welfare.

The Country is witnessing a massive rise in single day cases, taking the total Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19 cases to 9,68,876.

With these updates, till the 16th of July, India has 9,68,876 total positive cases, of these, 3,31,146 are active cases, 6,12,815 have been declared as cured or discharged.

Meanwhile, the number of deceased cases recorded till date are 24,915.

Though the number of cases are increasing with lightning speed, the number of recoveries are also higher than the active cases.

Currently, the recovery rate of the Novel Coronavirus in India is 63.2 % and recovery ratio is 96.5 % : 3.9%.

Meanwhile, globally, the mortality rate is 3.4 %.

India is the third worst affected Country by the Novel Coronavirus and distributed 6.96 % of the total globally infected people.

The other two countries with the highest number of cases worldwide are the United States of America (26.33%) and Brazil (14.34%.)

Despite 30,000 and more single day cases, the Health Minister of India Dr. Harsh Vardhan, denied community transmission, the third stage of the spread of the Novel Coronavirus in India.

Meanwhile, the Indian Institute of Science (IIS) projection says active cases in India could reach 10 lakhs by September.

If continued like this, everyday 25,000 more fresh cases, India would hit a peak and might record 20 lakh positive cases.

In the same scenario, Karnataka will have 1.2 lakh total cases, 28,700 active cases and 5,460 deaths. The same model also says the country will have 37.4 lakh total cases, 14 lakh active cases and 1.9 lakh deaths by the end of March 2021.

Until a global vaccine comes for the cure of the deadly disease, the Union Health Ministry advised people to follow the social vaccine which is social distancing of 6 feet, use of sanitizer/ washing hands every hour or 30 minutes and wearing face masks.

Following these basic steps, an individual could reduce 70 to 80% chances of being infected from the Coronavirus infection.

Globally the deadly virus infected as many as 13,280,066 people and claimed 576,675 lives till the 16th of July.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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