While world scientists and medical experts are trying to come up with a vaccine to cure the pandemic Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19, the World Health Organisation (WHO) and other medical organisations are in full swing spreading the COVID-19 awareness.

Since it broke out in December 2019, social media platforms like WhatsApp, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram are all flooded with homemade cure and tips to prevent being infected with the virus.

From boosting the immunity to wearing face masks, the Central Government advised people to follow social vaccines and prevent the spread of the Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19.

Why is social distancing important?

Social distancing is the primary strategy which is being advised to be followed.

Social distancing of minimum 2 feet is helpful to prevent the spread of the virus that causes COVID-19.

As the name suggests, it calls for people to increase the space between one another and to avoid gatherings and crowds. Distance between individuals is said to be helpful to break the chain of being infected from person to person.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says people should maintain a distance of six feet from others when possible.

In regard to this, many essential business and workplace implemented work from home, scheduled shifts with less work force and implementation of social distancing.

As per medical experts, if social distancing is effective, we might flatten the curve of the spread of the virus.

It would also help healthcare facilities and frontline workers like police, medical staff, doctors and sanitary staff to cope up with the situation and continue their work with less people being infected.

What are the ways which could help to prevent spread of the virus?

  • Stay six feet away from other people
  • Frequently wash your hands for 20 seconds with soap and water
  • No handshakes
  • No hugs

How to practice social distancing and what could be done staying indoors? 

Well, for people staying indoors is a big challenge. With a majority of public places like shopping malls, theatres, parks and others being shut, people are being anxious and frustrated about isolation and quarantine.

Here are some of the things and hobbies which might help you to relax and cope up with the lockdown scenario:

  • Video call with friends and family
  • Watch movies and TV shows
  • Read a book
  • Do housework
  • Organize
  • Go for a walk / run / bike ride
  • Create new food recipes
  • Paint
  • Write
  • Yoga
  • Exercise
  • Gardening
  • DIY
  • Self care

Follow the social vaccines, washing hands, using sanitizer, wearing face masks and social distancing and stay safe and healthy during this pandemic crisis of the Novel Coronavirus.

In India, till the 16th of July, India has 9,68,876 total positive cases, of these, 3,31,146 are active cases, 6,12,815 have been declared as cured or discharged. The number of deceased cases recorded till date are 24,915.

Though the number of cases are increasing with lightning speed, the number of recoveries are also higher than the active cases. 

Currently, the recovery rate of the Novel Coronavirus in India is 63.2 % and recovery ratio is 96.5 % : 3.9%.  Globally, the mortality rate is 3.4 %.

India is the third worst affected Country by the Novel Coronavirus and distributed 6.96 % of the total globally infected people.

Meanwhile, globally the deadly virus infected as many as 13,280,066 people and claimed 576,675 lives till the 16th of July.

Stay tuned for further updates about the COVID-19 infection.

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