The 2020 pandemic crisis due to the Novel Coronavirus has disturbed the lives of people, the functioning of governments and the economic situation of nations.

Broke out in December 2019 in China, till the 12th of August, the disease infected as many as 20 million people globally and 27 lakhs in India.

In a situation where medical experts and scientists are trying to invent a cure or vaccine for the virus, keeping the immune system strong is the priority and necessity of individuals.

As of now, the only cure for the disease is to boost the immune system and stay healthy.

With all the necessary social vaccine guidelines, an individual would also need to enhance theri immune system.

The deadly family of viruses, the Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19 would be healed easily if your immunity is strong. Since the immune system of our body protects us from various germs and viruses, it is important to keep a check on our immune system, especially when testing positive for the Novel Coronavirus.

Why immunity checks are important during and after COVID-19?

The immune system is a set of composite networks of cells and proteins, helping our body to fight viruses and infections.

The components of the immune system include white blood cells, antibodies, bone marrow, thymus, spleen and lymphatic system.

Our immune system is the most important line of defence against various diseases causing microorganisms.

The immune system also destroys the microorganisms by triggering inflammation, mucous, sneezing, coughing and runny nose.

Since symptoms of Coronavirus are basic cough, cold and fever, it is very important to keep a track of our immune system and boost it from time to time.

The COVID-19 infection made us realise the importance of having immunity checks, as this virus will not be able to harm the individual easily.

14 days isolation, proper medication and food boosting the immune system is the major cure for the deadly COVID-19 infection.

This is perhaps the reason, why most of the deaths that have occurred in the cases of COVID-19 included people who were either old or had some sort of chronic illness.

In order to boost the immune system, people are advised to avoid smoking and drinking, eat healthy food items, fruits and strengthen their immunity.

Regular immunity checks will, therefore, be extremely important in the post-COVID-19 world – especially for the people whose immune systems have been compromised for some reason. With the help of the immunity check panels, people will know what course of action to take in order to strengthen the immune system and avoid any imminent danger from a new kind of disease.

Till the time a vaccine is developed against Covid-19, it is an individuals’ responsibility to keep a check on the immune system to tackle this pandemic.

People who are diabetic or are suffering from cardiovascular diseases may find their immunity level compromised and may need to take extra care.

During this pandemic one should learn not to rely too much on healthcare facilities and maintain their health by having a healthy diet.

Below are some food items to strengthen the immune system in body:

Ginger tea




Greek Yogurt



Wild salmon

Dark chocolate

Red peppers


Olive oil

Green tea


Whole grain bread




Raw honey



Vitamin C

Stay tuned for further updates about COVID-19

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