The Wuhan virus, also known as the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19,) is rising in China.  In regard to this, the nation is going to re imposes fresh lockdowns.   As of now, the Wuhan virus is spreading in 11 provinces, and could increase rapidly.

Therefore, to control the situation at an early stage, the Government of China decided to impose lockdown.

Mr. Mi Feng, a Spokesperson of the National Health Commission (NHC) China, “Since October 17, there have been multiple scattered local outbreaks in China, and they’re expanding rapidly.”   He said, “There is an increasing risk that the outbreak will spread even further.”

In the past one week, China reported more than 100 new cases, where the cases fell to zero, bringing normality  amongst people.  However, after a clear situation, the nation started witnessing COVID-19 cases.   The rapid spread comes despite about 75 % , which is more than 100 crore people, are fully vaccinated against the Wuhan virus. 

In June 2021, the Chinese Health Department administered 100 crore COVID-19 vaccine doses.   By October, they vaccinated approximately 75 % of the population of the nation and administered 2.5 billion COVID-19 doses. 

The second outbreak of the Novel Coronavirus was first reported on the 16th of October with a group of fully vaccinated people, traveling to northern regions of China.   A total of 133 new cases were reported in one week, of which 106 were travelers from the group.

The regions under scrutiny for the spread of the virus are:  Mongolia, Gansu, Ningxia, Guizhou and Beijing. The local concerned authorities has warned of civil and criminal cases against anyone who is found in violation of the order

Acting immediately, the Chinese Government banned travel agencies from organising cross provincial tours in these regions.On Sunday, the 24th of October, the Chinese Capital, Wuhan, tightened entry restrictions into the city, requiring travellers from places with confirmed cases to present a negative coronavirus test and undergo 14 days of health monitoring. 

It is to be noted, the widespread COVID-19 outbreak has been reported at a time when the nation is preparing for the 2022 Winter Olympics.   Scheduled in February, the Chinese Government is the nation to host the Winter Olympics 2022 in Beijing.

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