On the 12th of February, Saturday, China Approves the emergency use of Pfizer’s oral pills for the Wuhan virus, the COVID-19.

The pills, brand named Paxlovid, have been given the approval to be used on adults with mild to moderate Wuhan virus symptoms with a high risk of progression to severe disease.

The approval decision was given by the Chinese drugs regulator Of China, which announced the conditional approval. The approval would include elderly, and those with chronic kidney issues, cardiovascular or chronic lung disease, diabetes, and other high-risk factors for COVID-19.

The issued announcement regarding the approval issued on Saturday morning read, “On February 11, the National Medical Products Administration conducted an emergency authorization review of the Paxlovid in accordance with the special drug approval process and an approval with conditions was granted for the import registration of Pfizer’s Covid-19 treatment.”

However, the manufacturer, Pfizer will be required to continue with research work and submit the results of follow-up studies for general approval.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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