China reported an uptick in Covid-19 cases on Sunday, as the capital Beijing battled a resurgence in infections and a border prefecture in Inner Mongolia became the new epicenter of its latest wave.

The countrywide daily Covid-19 tally rose to 196, from 138 the previous day, according to the National Health Commission.

The outbreak of nearly 200 cases linked to the city center Heaven Supermarket Bar, which had just reopened as curbs in Beijing eased last week, highlights how hard it will be for China to make a success of its “zero COVID” policy as much of the rest of the world opts to learn how to live with the virus.

Chinese officials have reversed the relaxation of some Covid rules in Beijing because of the outbreak.

Most children in the capital will not return to school next week as originally planned, officials said. The capital has reported 1,997 local Covid cases since 22 April.

China’s overall policy of “zero Covid” remains in place and people catching Covid face quarantine or hospital. Their close contacts also face the prospect of removal to quarantine and the area immediately around where they live being locked down again.

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