Famous Bollywood singer and composer Bappi Lahiri tested positive for the Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19.

Bappi Lahiri is currently being treated at Breach Candy Hospital in Mumbai. The news of Bappi Lahiri being COVID-19 positive was confirmed by his spokesperson on the 1st of April.

The spokesperson said, “Despite utmost precautions, unfortunately, Mr Bappi Lahiri has tested positive for Covid-19. He is under very good and expert care at the Breach Candy Hospital. Bappi dada’s family requests all those who came in contact with him in the recent past should get themselves tested as a precautionary measure.”

In addition, the spokesperson said “He seeks blessings and wishes of his fans, friends and everyone from India and abroad. On behalf of Bappi Da, we passing his message to all his well-wishers and fans to stay healthy, stay blessed.”

It is also noted that Bappi Lahiri recently registered himself on the Cowin portal and registered for COVID-19 vaccine shot. In regard to this Mr. Lahiri took to his Instagram handle and said, “I’ve just pre-registered for my #COVID19Vaccine – what are you waiting for! As soon as I found out that us over 60’s and those aged between 45-59 with a specified co-morbidity are now able to get our jab booked in, I felt a sense of relief that the end to this pandemic is in sight. It was quick & simple to register at Cowin.gov.in (link in bio) and I urge all of my friends in this age bracket to do the same! (sic)”

However, it is not confirmed if Bappi Lahiri took the first shot of COVID-19 vaccine or not.

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