Andhra Pradesh has reported 1520 new coronavirus cases on Friday, the 3rd of September, taking the total tally to 20,18,200 while the death toll has increased to 13,887 with 10 new deaths in the last twenty-four hours including four in Krishna, three in Chittoor, two in Prakasam and one in Nellore districts respectively.

On the other hand, as many as 1290 new patients were cured on Thursday taking the total recoveries to 19,86,962 and there are currently 14,702 active cases.

According to district-wise data, East Godavari reported 242 new infections on Friday, followed by Chittoor 188 and Nellore 186 while Kurnool district has logged less number of cases with 6 cases.

Andhra Pradesh conducted 64,739 Covid-19 tests till Friday amassing a total of 2.68 crore tests approximately across the state. The state has been conducting the vaccination for the people of age group 18-44. And so far 3 crore people were vaccinated across the state including first and second doses

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