An 18 year old boy named Shiva, a resident of Nalgonda district of Telangana, made headlines for his uniqueness of isolating himself on a tree.

Nowhere else to go in order to isolate himself after being positive for the Wuhan virus also known as the Novel Coronavirus, this young man decided to take shelter at a tree planted in his home compound.  He was at this tree since the 4th of May, after he tested positive for the deadly virus. 

Living in a tribal village called Kothanandikonda in Nalgonda district in Telangana, he contracted the virus and was advised to isolate.  He could not do so in his own home, which was a one room space, as he feared for his parents.  He made a bed out of bamboo and fastened it around the branches and it became his temporary home for some time.

The nearest primary health care centre for the village is 5km away. In case of any urgent critical condition, they have to travel 30km as the nearest hospital is that far.

Recently, the rural parts of India have seen a rampant surge of COVID-19 cases.  This gets all the more daunting as the people living there do not have direct access to the services people in the urban areas do.

According to sources, in the past many Scheduled Tribes Hostel in villages have been turned into centres to treat the virus but the unfortunate part is a lot of people are not aware of this development.

Shiva in an interview said, “There was no isolation centre here. Two days ago, they converted the ST hostel into a centre.  Up until then, we had nothing and I don’t know if there are any such centres in other villages.  I don’t think so.  What else can I do?”

He also added that the fear of the virus has resulted in no one stepping out to help him. He feels that the sarpanch has no idea about this situation as well.

As soon as the news broke out, the authority and medical department, turned a ST hostel into a COVID-19 isolation centre for tribal people.

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