Mamata Banerjee, the Chief Minister of West Bengal, on the 15th of June, will conduct a meeting with the doctors protesting against the attack on two junior doctors in Kolkata.

Although the meeting was scheduled to be held on the 14th of June, the junior doctors did not turn up, following which, the meeting was rescheduled to the 15th of June.

On the 11th of June, the junior doctors of Nil Ratan Sircar (NRS) Medical College and Hospital called for a strike. The junior doctors protested against the brutal assault on Mukherjee and Tekhwani, two junior doctors at the NRS Medical College and Hospital.

On the 10th of June, the family members of an octogenarian patient who passed away, assaulted two junior doctors, Mukherjee and Tekhwani, of the NRS Medical College and Hospital.

A truck loaded with approximately 200 goons came to the NRS Medical College and Hospital and assaulted the doctors.

After the brutal assault, Mukherjee was left with a fractured skull and is in coma, whereas Tekhwani is in critical condition and is in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU.)

Dr. Harsh Vardhan, the Health Minister of India, wrote to Ms. Banerjee and asked her to resolve the matter, as doctors across India plan to go on strike.

Mr. Vardhan said, “It is a matter of concern that the agitation by doctors in West Bengal is not heading towards resolution, but seems to be getting aggravated. Better communication with doctors and a compassionate approach to take care of the genuine problems being faced by them in day-to-day functioning would definitely be helpful in tiding over the crisis which has been created.”

The Indian Medical Association announced a national strike of doctors across India on the 17th of June.

Ms. Banerjee, who also holds the portfolio of Health Ministry, on the 13th of June, asked the doctors to get back to their duties or face strict action.

After the brutal attack on the 10th of June at the NRS Hospital, junior doctors across the Country are demanding proper security of doctors and the arrest of the accused involved in the attack.

On the 15th of June, Ms. Banerjee will meet the junior doctors and discuss about the incident and the demands drafted by them.

The meeting will begin at 5:00 P.M., at the West Bengal Secretariat Nabanna.

Stay tuned for further updates.