On the 18th of April, autopsy reports revealed Rohit Shekhar Tiwari, the son of former Uttarakhand Chief Minister N.D. Tiwari, died due to asphyxia and smothering.

The autopsy was conducted by a medical board which comprised of five senior doctors  from the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS.)

“The medical board unanimously concluded that the cause of death in this case is asphyxia as a result of strangulation and smothering. It is a sudden unnatural death, placed in the category of homicide,” said Sudhir Gupta, head of the forensic department at AIIMS.

Based on the findings of the autopsy report, the Delhi Police registered a case of murder and transferred the findings to the Delhi Crime Branch. According to the Delhi Police, Rohit Tiwari was brought in dead on the night of 16th April at around 2.00 A.M.

The autopsy was ordered after initial investigations revealed two broken bones in Rohit’s neck. Forensic reports also said Rohit was dead for 14 hours before the body was brought to the hospital and  the death was not because of natural causes.

“It was not a natural death. Five senior doctors from the medical institute were involved in conducting the investigation. We have videographed and photographed the entire investigation. All of them unanimously came to this conclusion that the victim died due to strangulation,” Dr Sudhir Gupta, head of the AIIMS forensic department said in a statement.

When Rohit’s family was contacted, they said the death was not because of any unnatural reasons. Based on findings from the autopsy and on the fact that the death was because of smothering, the Delhi police took two pillows from the bedroom and from another room of Rohit’s residence in Defence Colony.

This is a developing story.  Stay tuned for more updates .

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