Arvind Kejriwal, the Chief Minister of Delhi, on the 12th of March, addressed a press conference and said, the citizens of Delhi will vote for complete statehood in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections.

Mr. Kejriwal said, “The polls are very crucial for the people of Delhi. So far people had been voting for electing the PM. But this time they will be voting for statehood. In that sense this election is very important.”

Recently, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) launched a mega campaign to demand full statehood for Delhi.

Mr. Kejriwal, the President of the AAP, criticised Prime Minister Narendra Modi for his bias.

To prove his point, Kejriwal said, the Modi Government spends Rs. 26,000 crores on Gujarat and Rs. 1.5 lakh crores on Uttar Pradesh, whereas Delhi gets only Rs. 325 crores.

Speaking about why attaining complete statehood is essential, Kejriwal said, “Law and order, drugs, illicit liquor, thuggery, police doesn’t listen to people. Police comes directly under the Home Minister (HM) and PM. Once we get statehood, we will ensure that women roam freely even at night.”

The AAP has made the issue of Delhi being granted full statehood the main agenda of the Party to win the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, scheduled between the 11th of April and the 19th of May.

Delhi will contest a total of 7 Lok Sabha seats in the elections, scheduled on the 12th of May.

The results will be announced on the 23rd of May 2019.

Stay tuned for further updates about the Lok Sabha elections.