The Indian National Congress (INC,) while releasing its manifesto on the 2nd of April, said, it is going to place emphasis on defence and foriegn policy.

According to the manifesto, titled Hum Nibhayenge, the major benefits it offers are drastically different from those being offered by the ruling party, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP.)

The INC plans to increase the focus on defense by increasing the amount of funds being spent on defence. By doing so, the INC promises to meet every need and requirement of the Armed Forces.

Apart from increasing the funds for the Armed Forces, the INC also plans to reinstate the boards which were ignored by the BJP. The INC also stated it would establish the office of Chief Defence Staff (CDS,) provide a statutory basis to the National Security Council (NSC) and the office of National Security Advisor (NSA.) The Party also promised to re establish the National Security Advisory Board (NSAB.)

The reason for the INC to establish the NSAB is because it thought the BJP ignored this field and left it in limbo between 2015 and 2016.

The manifesto read, “National security is dependent on a sound defence policy, a sound foreign policy and wise leadership. National security is not enhanced by chest-thumping or exaggerated claims. We will expedite all modernisation programmes of the armed forces in a transparent manner.”

Furthermore, understanding the threat to the Country is far beyond the initial boundaries, the INC pledged to boost the modernization of the military. The INC also said it is going to work with other countries to have a peaceful relationship with Pakistan, rather than have one riddled with surgical strikes.

With the INC focusing strongly on things related to security and defense, the key features promise to be drastically different from what the BJP has been focusing on so far.

Starting from the 11th of April and lasting till the 19th of May, this year’s Lok Sabha elections are going to be one of the largest held in the country. The major parties contesting the elections are the INC and the BJP.

The results of the Lok Sabha elections will be declared on the 23rd of May.

Stay tuned for more updates.

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