Sushma Swaraj, the Minister of External Affairs, on the 7th of May, confirmed the news of 5 Indian sailors kidnapped in Nigeria.

According to the Tweet , pirates of Nigeria abducted 5 Indian sailors.

The matter came to light, after the Indian media reported, the pirates of Nigeria kidnapped 5 Indian sailors and took their ship, MT APECUS in Bonny Outer anchorage in Nigeria.

After the report, the families of the Indian sailors also said, they were unable to contact the sailors for two weeks.

Bhagyashree Das, the wife of Sundeep Kumar Choudhary, one of the sailors, took to Twitter and asked for help from Sushma Swaraj.

Ms. Swaraj asked Abhay Thakur, the Indian Ambassador to Nigeria to look into the matter and take the necessary steps for their release.

Ms. Swaraj also reported the incident to the Indian High Commissioner and asked to report the matter to the Government of Nigeria and proceed with the release process of the sailors.

The Indian mission in Nigeria are on their toes and are in touch with the Nigerian Navy and police.

The search for the Indian sailors is still going on.

Stay tuned for further updates.