Cyclone Fani finally hit land on the 3rd of May at around 8.00 A.M., south of Puri, on the coast of Odisha. The impact of the cyclone is expected to be felt for the next few hours, with Fani gushing toward Odisha with wind speeds between 150 km/h and 120 km/h.

One of the worst cyclones experienced by Odisha in the last four decades, evacuation is under process and over 11 lakh residents left the place. The Central Government as well as the Government of Odisha pressed agencies in the State to start the evacuation process.

With the advancement of Fani toward the coast, the Indian Coast Guard positioned 34 relief centers across different spots on the coast. Apart from this, the Indian Navy also has four ships ready with medical teams, food, water and other relief material.

Looking at the intensity of the cyclone, all flights heading toward Bhubaneswar were cancelled for 24 hours, starting from midnight on the 3rd of May. Even the Paradip and Gopalpur ports were shut down to stay protected from the storms. Due to Cyclone Fani, the operations at the Gopalpur port will stand suspended till conditions improve.

More than 800 cyclone shelters, schools and colleges have been kept ready for the evacuees. The eye of the cyclone is travelling at 30 kmph and seems to be growing with intensity. Initially expected to hit the coast at 5.30 P.M., the premature landfall put the entire coast on high alert.

Stay tuned for more updates.  

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