On the 16th of March, the Yuvajana Sramika Rythu Congress Party (YSRCP) approached the Apex Court and filed a petition against the postponement of the AP local bodies elections.

On the 15th of March, Ramesh Kumar, the Election Commissioner of Andhra Pradesh (A.P.,) announced to postpone the upcoming local bodies elections due to the Novel Coronavirus.

Y.S. Jagan Mohan Reddy, the Chief Minister of A.P., expressed outrage at this decision and moved the Supreme Court regarding the issue.

The Supreme Court referred the case filed by the YSRCP to Justice Lalith  for the trial.  

The Supreme Court would review the petition filed by the YSRCP Government regarding the decision of the State Election Commission to postpone the elections, on the 17th of March.

The Andhra Pradesh local bodies elections are scheduled to begin from the 21st of March and conclude on the 29th of March.

The reason to conduct the A.P., local bodies elections as per scheduled amid the outbreak of the deadly Coronavirus is the fund of Rs. 500 crores.  According to sources, if the elections were not concluded by the 31st of March, the 14th Finance Commission might withdraw the funds, provided for the development of the State.

Considering the current economic situation of the State, the YSRCP Government could not afford to lose the funds, which would contribute towards the development of the State and its people.

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