The Visakhapatnam Steel Plant Conservation Struggle Committee has called for a bandh on the 28th of March, Monday.  According to sources, the City Bandh has been called against the privatization of the Visakhapatnam Steel Plant.

Furthermore, the VSP Conservation Struggle Committee would complete its 400th day of hunger strike, demanding revocation of the VSP Privatization orders.   The committee also asked the people of Visakhapatnam and political parties of Andhra Pradesh, to support the city bandh, on the 28th of March. 

The committee also said, after the 28th of March’s protest, the members would visit Delhi with the signatures of at least 100 Member of Parliament (MPs) of Andhra Pradesh to protest at the National Capital.  They would put pressure on the Central Government and would protest for over a week in Delhi, asking the Central Government to withdraw orders of the VSP Privatization.

The VSP privatization is an ongoing issue in Andhra Pradesh.  The State Government and the VSP workers are asking the Central Government to roll back their decision and let VSP be in the public sector.  In regard to this, the Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister wrote a letter to Prime Minister Narendra, asking him to rethink the decision of privatizing the years old Public plant into a private one.

However, the Central Government seems stubborn with their decision and said, there is no going back from the privatization decision. 

The VSP privatization is a major issue of concern for the people of Andhra Pradesh. 

Stay tuned for further updates. 

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