In a shocking incident at the Tirumala Tirupati Temple in Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh (AP,) 5 Kg ornaments including 1 silver crown, two gold rings and two gold necklace went missing.

Although the jewellery worth Rs. 7.36 lakhs went missing in 2017, the matter came to light on the 27th of August.

The TTD instead of initiating an investigation, decided to recover the amount from the concerned Assistant Executive Officer (treasury) Srinivasulu.

When asked about the delay in investigation process, TTD officials said as per the decision of the TTD Board, the amount would be recovered from Srinivasulu.

According to TTD officials, the Board asked Srinivasulu who was responsible for the security of the treasure at the temple to pay Rs. 25,000 per month and clear the value of ornaments.

Later in 2018, Srinivasulu submitted a report demanding a suspension of the orders to pay the amount. Srinivasulu said missing ornaments could be an error of accounting and they should wait till the final outcome of the stock verification process.

Srinivasulu said, “The missing case of the jewellery could be an error of counting where an item could have counted under another category and got mixed up with another.”

As per the tradition of the TTD, the officials will check the treasure of the temple and count to verify the jewelleries in its treasury.

Mr. Srinivasulu also objected the recovery process as no official responsible for the treasury’s security ever been subjected to a recovery process in the past.

The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) criticised the TTD for recovery process and demanded probe against the missing ornament’s case.

G. Bhanuprakash Reddy, the Spokesperson of the BJP in Andhra Pradesh said, “The TTD boasts unbreachable security systems in place, including armed guards and a closely monitored CCTV network. This said, how is it humanly possible for anyone to carry a crown out of the treasury?”  He further added, “Is the TTD trying to save anyone?  Has a recovery procedure been initiated in the past? The common devotees of Lord Venkateswara want to know the answers.”

Anil Kumar Singhal, the Executive Officer of the TTD is expected to address the media on the evening of the 27th of August and clarify TTD’s stand in the matter.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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