The Trinamool Congress (TMC) criticised the decision of the Union Government of approving the National Population Register (NPR.)

Amid protests and opposition of the Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2019, the decision to approve funds for the NPR is said to be the first step towards the implementation of the National Register Citizens (NRC.)

Derek O’Brien, a member of the TMC said, “BJP is cheating the people. The cabinet decision on NPR has been taken and funds approved. NPR is the first step of the NRC (National Register of Citizens.)”

Mr. Brien alleged the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) led Central Government of cheating people by assuring them that the NPR is a census and not a step towards the implementation of the NRC.

Justifying his statement, Derek O’ Brien said in 2014 the BJP led Government is written said the NPR, which would verify citizens of India based on collected and stored data is the first step towards the creation of National Register of Indian Citizens.

Apart from the TMC, Ghulam Nabi Azad, the General Secretary of the All India Congress Committee (AICC) also said BJP is trying to divert the attention of people by introducing such Act like Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2019 and preparing for the implementation of NRC.

Mr. Azad said, “The BJP promised to bring back black money, a deposit of Rs 15 lakh in the peoples’ accounts, create 10 crore jobs in five years and control prices. But we are seeing the opposite in every sphere….Then suddenly this Act comes in. It was not needed. Also, you (BJP) announced to make NRC across India. Assam and North East are completely different from the rest of India.”

Meanwhile, after the Central Government approved Rs. 8,500 crores for the NPR census, the protests across Delhi, Assam, Uttar Pradesh, Hyderabad, West Bengal and Madhya Pradesh intensified.

Kamal Nath, the Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh (MP) is scheduled to conduct an anti CAA rally in Madhya Pradesh, on the 25th of December. On the other hand, Assam is protesting against security personnel demanding the release of Akhilesh Gogoi, who was arrested while protesting against the CAA.

Delhi students and residents also did not give despite the brutality of Delhi Police and are protesting against the Narendra Modi led Central Government.

Twitter is also flooded with slogans and messages asking the Government of India (GoI) to withdraw the Act, which allows refugees from Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh. The CAA would give citizenship to Jains, Hindus, Sikhs, Parsis, Christians and Buddhists residing in India since or before the 31st of December.

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