Following the guidelines of the Union Health Department, the Tirupati Health Department and experts alerted people amid the Wuhan Virus (COVID-19) rise.

It is to be noted, the Wuhan Virus cases are rising in nations like China, Brazil, South Korea and other nations.  In addition, the World Health Organisation (WHO) also issued alert and asked nations to take the necessary steps and control the spread.  Acting upon the same, the Indian Government issued guidelines and asked respective state governments to ensure precaution from COVID-19 spread.

Reacting to the same, the Tirupati Health Expert issued guidelines and asked people to be cautious and wear face masks, maintain social distancing and follow other guidelines.

The Tirupati Health Experts and the district officials have been monitoring the available facilities at various hospitals. 

Although the situation is quite normal as of now, the medical and health department has been exercising caution and trying to create awareness among people about the recent surge in COVID,-19 cases.

Dr. U. Sreehari, the District Medical and Health Officer (DMHO,) said that they started COVID-19 testing using rapid kits now and took steps to test one symptomatic person in three secretariats under every Public Health Centres.  Furthermore, 187 tests were conducted on Wednesday, the 21st of December and no positive was found while one positive was registered in Padmavathi Nagar of Puttur in rapid test out of 111 tests done on Thursday, the 23rd of December.

In addition, the DMHO Dr. Sreehari is scheduled to hold a meeting with the district officials and health department, on the 24th of December, Saturday.

After the meeting, the District Health Department would issue the necessary guidelines to schools and other organizations in the district, amid the Wuhan Virus surge.

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