Rajeev Gauba, a Union Cabinet Minister, on the 30th of March, expressed shock on media circulations regarding the extension of the lockdown.

Mr. Gouba, addressed the media and cleared the rumour by saying, the Central Government did not decide upon the extension of the 21 days lockdown.  

Rajeev Gouba said, “Lockdown extension speculation is completely unfounded. This news surprises me. At the moment there are no plans to extend the lockdown.”

The 21 days lockdown which was imposed on the 25th of March, ends on the 15th of April.  The lockdown was imposed as a preventive measure to control the spread of the Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19.

After the Central Government imposed the lockdown, many state governments issued guidelines with strict rules and deploy police officials to ensure no one violates the lockdown.

India is said to be in the 2nd stage of the Novel Coronavirus, which is local transmission of the virus.  The lockdown is a major step to avoid the third stage, community transmission of the virus, which could infect 1,000 people in a day, whereas now, the number of COVID-19 cases are increasing by 100 only.

Till date, India reported 1,071 COVID-19 cases and 29 deaths due to the same.Globally, the number crossed 727,080 in 183 countries.  Stay tuned for further updates.

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