The heartwrenching story of Telangana woman studyinhg in US, and then going homeless has made it to social media.

Syeda Lulu Minhaj Zaidi, a native of Telangana is found starving and being helpless on the streets of Chicago, the United States of America (U.S.A.)

On the 26th of July, Wednesday, her condition was brought to light by Amjed Ullah Khan, a spokesperson of the Majlis Bachao Tehreek (MBT,) a party based in Telangana.

According to Fatima, Minhaj was a former lecturer at Shadan College in Hyderabad but was impacted with the closure of classes during the pandemic in 2020. Seeing an opportunity to do a Masters in the US, Minhaj, an Mtech graduate, left for the country to pursue post graduation in Information Science at Trine University in Detroit.

“Everything was going well with her. But two months ago somebody stole her mobile phone while she was on her way to another University in Ohio. When she ran behind the person, she forgot her bag on the road which was later taken by somebody else,” said Fatima, who got a call from Minhaj back in May after the incident from a stranger’s phone. “The stranger said on the call that his bus was coming and had to leave. I haven’t spoken to my daughter since that day,” stated Fatima, who added in the letter that she got to know from two Hyderabadi youths in the US that Minhaj was under depression and going through starvation when they first found her outside a Masjid in Chicago.

“I was not able to recognise my own daughter in the video. She has changed a lot, this is not how she used to interact or act with others,” an emotional Fatima told The Free Press Journal. Fatima also wrote a letter to Minister of External Affairs, S Jaishankar, on July 22 and urged for his intervention to bring back Minhaj to India.

Syeda’s mother said she was doing fine, but she got to know that her daughter’s belongings, certificates and all important documents were stolen, following which she fell into depression and now is starving on the streets of Chicago.

Meanwhile, Syeda’s mother wrote to Mr. S. Jaishankar, the External Affairs Minister of India and the Telangana Government, to interfere and bring her daughter back to Telangana.

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