Mangalagiri: Telugu Desam Party (TDP) General Secretary Nara Lokesh has leveled serious allegations against the Andhra Pradesh Intelligence Department. He claimed that the Intelligence wing is engaged in tapping the phone calls of TDP leaders.

 Speaking at a press conference on Sunday, Lokesh expressed deep concerns over what he described as “suspicious movements” around key TDP figures.

Lokesh alleged that TDP leaders have noticed peculiar occurrences during phone calls. He cited instances where they could hear a distinct beep immediately upon answering calls. Such incidents, according to Lokesh, have raised suspicions regarding the activities of the intelligence authorities in the state.

Moreover, Lokesh accused the police of displaying partiality in their actions. He warned that no one involved in such activities would be spared from scrutiny. Lokesh further claimed that recent police searches targeting his convoy were indicative of a deliberate targeting by higher-ranking police officials. He particularly pointed fingers at the Director-General of Police (DGP).

The TDP General Secretary went on to assert that the searches conducted by the police were disproportionately focused on vehicles associated with TDP and Jana Sena leaders, while seemingly ignoring those affiliated with ruling party MLAs. Such selective targeting, according to Lokesh, underscores a bias against opposition parties in the state.

Issuing a stern warning to officials allegedly involved in these actions, Lokesh asserted that any attempts to threaten or suppress the TDP would be met with formidable resistance. He vowed that those responsible for such actions would face severe repercussions in the near future.