In a shocking incident, a bride from Secunderabad is said to have delivered a baby girl, a day after her wedding.

Getting into the details, the woman married a man from a village in Greater Noida, on the 26th of June.  However, a day after her wedding, she complained of stomach ache, and was taken to a nearby hospital in Greater Noida, where a doctor gave a shocking revelation that the bride was seven months pregnant.  A day after the revelation, the Secunderabad bride gave birth to a baby girl.

Furthermore, sources revealed that the woman’s family were aware of the fact that their daughter was seven months pregnant but hid the fact from the groom’s family.  When the groom and his family asked about the stomach of the woman, they said that she recently underwent a stone removal surgery, therefore she has such a huge belly.

However, after the delivery, the groom’s family refused to accept the bride and her baby girl and asked her family to take her back home.  After the request of the bride’s family, they also agreed not to file a police complaint against the bride and her family.

Although the Secunderabad Police got to know about the incident, they didn’t take action as there was no first information report registered against the woman and her family.

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